Saturday, September 3, 2016

“Vampires are real” and I am not talking of today’s living vampires but the traditional blood drinking undead kind.

“Vampires are real” and I am not talking of today’s living vampires but the traditional blood drinking undead kind.

As statements go that is one that always get people fighting over the meaning of real and in some cases with claws, fangs and biting and the ones that shout and scream the loudest are normally followers of one of the latest deities to be added to the very long list of one and only Gods.

This kind of statement can be made due to the individual concept of reality expanding too many millions sharing the same concept of a given reality.

The way this works due to the way humans can ignore the meaning of Veritas and go for the more popular numbers game such as Christianity is real due to it 2.2 billion believe in Christ. Compared to just 15 million Jews so to go by the numbers game Christianity wins of the reality number game.  

The logic of the reality numbers game can then used to show that vampires are real due to the numbers of people that believe them to be real would be well over 15 million world wide so using the logic of belief Undead vampires have a greater reality than the Jewish idea of God.

From a course on Cognitive Dissonance

‘Beliefs often lull us into a false perception of reality because they "feel-good" to do so. Our erroneous self-views and worldviews can be maintained this way. We need to have more care, courage and will-power to face reality as it is, and drop many of our false beliefs that can be known to be such, and stop purporting others to be "truth".

Know the definition and meaning of words as they were created to reflect aspects of reality (etymology is a good place to start). Beliefs do not equate to truth. Truth in Latin is veritas, and it's veracious, verifiable, and demonstrable.’

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