Monday, June 1, 2015

Walking Bags of Blood by Amy Mah Vampire

Walking Bags of Blood
by Amy Mah Vampire

I so like the idea that many vampires or should I say self proclaimed vampires call a person outside the Vampire Community a Mundane

Going from Vampires to Hogwarts sure is mixing things up.

But yes Vampires in the vampire community call non vampires Mundane

And then I get mentioned on the internet that I am insulting the food.

I get comments like this from Vampires:..
“You’re everywhere and you’re not at all nice”
 Er ? … Yes and what bit of the Vampire Myth did I miss apart from perhaps Twilight that Vampires had to be nice?

Think about it Fangs, servants with strange eating habits and perhaps a castle to keep a coffin in ….but nice?

‘Amy Mah’ is quoted as saying “ Yes I am everywhere…’Walking packed Lunch’ was me being nice as I normally say  ‘Walking Bags of Blood”

Yep I also say Walking Snack Packs

Then is the complaint that: At issue is that she is spreading a stereotype of a dumb vampire woman.

I is? Is I?  

And this is from someone saying I upset the food, confirming that vampires today keep pets for food but it is not PC to call them food.

Heck is it such a good idea to tell the world that you do really drink peoples blood  

The idea that valued donors of the community are reasonably objectified as food, is likely to get many gnashing their teeth.

So Deacon Grey is happy to bite and drink the blood of the so called willing donors but objects to me saying that makes them sound like food.

The food is willing food so that is ok? Errrr? Wow that is so not a can of worms to open here or should I say that sort of  blood vessel is best left unbitten.

Deacon Grey then complains about the advice I give to non humans?

Yes NON HUMANS reading what I say may get confused?

Wow I am sorry to hear that, personally I have never had a non human or walking corpse ever tell me they were confused over the vampire rules that due to slow aging vampire girls are not allowed to have a boyfriend until they are over 30

This is what Deacon complains about

While at it she offers some amazing advice for young girl vampires like “Unlike Human Girls this is Doing all of the above when on heat, as this only happens every 20 years or so and starts with biting of furniture giving your parents time to lock you in your room.

Is Deacon saying he does not think a vampire girl would start biting the furniture when she discovers not only she can not have a boyfriend until she is over 30 but sex once every 20 years and becomes pregnant each and every time she does.

And from this he comments

 and vampires are just wonton sluts who will jump the bones of any “boy” that will give them a little blood.”
So silly it is the undead walking corpse type of vampire that is the walking slut and for some reason human guys forget it mixing with these undead can be called necrophilia and perhaps if they got a good job and took a bath more often they may find a girl with a heartbeat.     

I will post below the full text unlike the way Deacon Grey pick and mixed things from unrelated blogs and postings in Facebook

Now to see what I say which is so dangerous to vampires (which sounds funny as I type it)

You can always read my books Which is something Deacon clearly has not done …lol

Now After Getting complains from the Luciferians ......... and yes it is true I do get complaints from worshipers of Lucifer 

I await with baited breath over what the Demon worshipers will complain when they hear I have also done a Demon book 

Amy Mah is a snarky, sarcastic and cynical author who writes of her life as a modern Vampire and whose books can be seen at: or on Amazon Amy has written VAMPIRE where you read of her problems of living her life as a blood chilling denizen of the night.

Body Swap

Swapping bodies with a young female demon had not been part of the planned vacation. 

Nor was having to attend a demonic high school for the magically gifted. 

When the most magical thing you could do was set your own underwear on fire.

 Life was not going to be easy, even less so with a painful tail that everyone trod on.

 Owning a magic sword that always tried to look up your skirt when fighting was not helpful. 

But then nor was having a telepathic diary that corrected your thinking instead of your spelling.

A Bubble Gum Vampires Speak

Posted: Sunday, 18 January, 2015 by deacongray in Community Announcements, Uncategorized
” But should we bother listening?”

1/18/2015 © Graveyard press
In 2009 voices from the east proclaimed the possession of donors and restrictions on their participation with in their segment of the VC. A few thousand facebook posts, bitter words, and open threats later, the dead horse had been turned into glue, and the left over hide used for alter pieces to the damned.
By 2011 the subject was in full swing again, news organizations lambasted the damn gall of those who again went on their anti-donor rights rampage, but the donors were not long in the shadows of that fight. From that debate we saw groups emerge, great documents presented, the time tested Donors Bill of Rights, by Zaar, and the Donor and Vampires guide to negotiations that I wrote. Still…this particular horse is pale, and even though the rider is death, the subject comes alive once more.
The bubble gum vampire wasn’t put off by the admonitions of people within the group in which she posted her article either.  To one who stated “You’re everywhere and you’re not at all nice”
Bubble Gum vampire ‘Amy Mah’ is quoted as saying “ Yes I am everywhere…’Walking packed Lunch’ was me being nice as I normally say  ‘walking Bags of Blood”

Of course this is coming from a fictional character of a girl that must be in her mid teens, whose articles focus on things such as “Base: When dating it is handy to know the code words of what you are doing with each other…believe it or not others have done it before, they even numbered it!”
Where she goes on to explain what getting from first base to fifth base ,means (I Know…I know.. Babe Ruth just died again), and ponders about the mystery of why boys like boobs. While at it she offers some amazing advice for young girl vampires like “Unlike Human Girls this is Doing all of the above when on heat, as this only happens every 20 years or so and starts with biting of furnature giving your perants time to lock you in yuour room.
it is also called getting pregnant and discovering that you have not just raised your tail and instantly got pregnant! as I said you are on heat But, due to a bonding contract signed years ago by your parents, you now have a lifetime mate!”
Suffice it to say, this is hardly the depth of knowledge, or the intellectual debates we saw before, but it is a long way from being really dangerous.  Regardless of the intention, either tongue in cheek, a game of meta-fiction, or the playful intentions of a graphic novel writer, there are some misconceptions that sneak passed, and some that will fire people up. The idea that valued donors of the community are reasonably objectified as food, is likely to get many gnashing their teeth.
“It’s not that she is just some kid flapping her lips that’s a problem. At issue is that she is spreading a stereotype of a the dumb vampire woman. This kid is so busy trying to feel smart, sexy and powerful, that she misses the point. Your power is diminished when you act like a bubble headed ding bat. Using what you think are clever words to gain attention don’t just make her look dimwitted, but spread that stereotype that all goths and vampires are just wonton sluts who will jump the bones of any “boy” that will give them a little blood.”
Clearly there are some heated opinions about this subject. One of the issues though is that what was said, was said in a mundane vampire fandom site. If left there, I doubt it would have mattered, but as they things do, the conversation slips into other forums, and it doesn’t take long for people to get riled up.  Over time I have heard both sides use some pretty strong language when dealing with it, but is that really the answer?
Is it really for the best  overall to allow these confused individuals to provoke such an angry response that we lose our own cool? Often they are doing it just to get us to become upset.  When celebrity is the goal, attention either negative or positive is the means of achieving it. In this case the community’s outrage is being used as stepping stone.
My suggestion is this. Take what was said to provoke an intelligent intellectual discussion with everyone except the person who made the crappy comment. Don’t allow them to become the center of their own shit storm, instead objectify them as the provocateurs they are, and turn it into a reasonable discussion.
In the end there will always be  people who say stupid things to get a rise from you. There will always be bullies, brutes and bubble headed ding bats, but they can only affect you as much as you allow them too. After all, do you really want to be in a word battle with someone who says things like

OK, this is the one we normally call making out, and unless you are on heat it stops at kissing, hugging and generally grabbing at each other. At this stage you can bite a boy but he is not allowed to bite you back.”
In the end, even if you win the debate, you have only won against a fictional character, or a writer who uses that character to slip out of accountability for her own words.

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